Mark Hurwitz

Mark Hurwitz

3 posts follow

WebRTC using Meteor & PeerJS: A Basic Tutorial

WebRTC means 'Web Realtime Communications' and it comes built into certain browsers like Chrome and Firefox. The WebRTC API covers all the steps to stream live video, audio & data, but it becomes complicated when you fulfill all the steps on the way to calling your friends. PeerJS abstracts away…

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A Basic Cucumber Meteor Tutorial

I have hit my head against several walls as I endeavored to start testing my Meteor applications. Recently, one of the main Velocity authors pushed important updates to his meteor-cucumber package. Before this update, I never bothered with Cucumber. But I saw in this update an opportunity to finally learn…

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Test-Driven Meteor: A Very Basic Tutorial

Welcome to your first day at the Meteor Widget factory! Today we will get started building our widget app. Specs include clicking a button and seeing "New Widget!" appear on the screen. Most importantly, we will develop this feature test-first. We will use just a few tools: Meteor, Velocity &…

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